  • Praxis-Tipps zum Dermatophyten PCR

    Practical tips from the colleague

Advantages of PCR diagnostics

Advantages of PCR diagnostics

Advantages of PCR diagnostics

Ausbildung zur Medizinisch-Technischen Laboratoriumsassistentin

Method comparison: Petri dish vs. PCR diagnostics

Speziesidentifizierung von Dermatomykose-Erregern

Species identification of dermatomycosis pathogens

Fallbeispiel: PCR Diagnostik als Therapieverlaufskontrolle

PCR diagnostics for monitoring of the treatment success

Dermatomykosen bei Kindern

Dermatomycoses in children

Materialentnahme für den PCR-basierten Pilznachweis

Material collection for PCR diagnostics

Case example: Trichophyton rubrum syndrome

Case example: Trichophyton rubrum syndrome

Advantages of the dermatophyte PCR in diagnostics of fungal infections of the nails

Advantages of the dermatophyte PCR in diagnostics of fungal infections of the nails

Case example: Improved diagnostics of tinea capitis in children by PCR

Case example: Improved diagnostics of tinea capitis in children by PCR

Clinics and diagnostics of new dermatophytes

Clinics and diagnostics of new dermatophytes

Additional value of the PCR in Candida infections

Additional value of the PCR in Candida infections